DNS Tools 
Tuesday, 22 October 2013, 23:00 - Tools & more
Posted by Administrator
Web Interface for DNS Queries.


Download the tarball


The "dig" tool must be installed on your system, and be allowed to be executed from php. If it doesn't work, e.g. if using safe_mode and/or open_basedir restrictions, add the path where dig is located to the two php options:
open_basedir /usr/bin/dig
safe_mode_exec_dir /usr/bin/
Within a VirtualHost, set with php_admin_value <option>.

In addition, TCP port 43 and UDP port 53 need to be open outbound.


Extract the content of the archive within your web root of the webserver, e.g.
cd <webroot>
tar xvzf dnstools.tar.gz


Navigate your web-browser to http://<your_host_name>/dnstools/ and enter either the appropriate form.

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