Data Synchronisation scripts for rsync 
Saturday, 10 November 2007, 00:00 - Tools & more
Posted by Administrator
Some simple shell scripts for synchronize your data using rsync.

You only have to adapt the variables at the beginning of the scripts according your needs.

This one can be used if you have your remote system mounted onto the local file system, e.g. using NFS or SAMBA


MOUNTPOINT: Path on local system where you have mounted the exported path of remote system
LOCALDIR: Path on local system from where you want to synchronize (by default your home directory)
EXCLUDEFILE: File where you can enter all path's (one on a line) that shouldn't be transferred
LOGFILE: File to log output of rsync into

This one is an example if you want to access the remote system over SSH.


REMOTEHOST: Full qualified host name of remote system
LOCALDIR: Path on local system from where you want to synchronize (by default your home directory)
REMOTEDIR: directory on remote host after the colon (":") (by default your home directory)
EXCLUDEFILE: File where you can enter all path's (one on a line) that shouldn't be transferred
LOGFILE: File to log output of rsync into

Remote Host can be either preset or passed as a command line parameter.

For not have to type your passphrase for your ssh key every time, you can store it within your SSH agent.
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